
Another boring week in the winter wonderland!

哎喲 一直都用英文來po文章 自己也不知道為什麼 明明看那的人都是自己的朋友 不知道到底是要用中文還是英文ㄋㄟ 真煩惱
這整個星期都跟老冬去住hotel 當然不是只有老冬 還有小冬瓜 到這個east of Winnipeg的小鎮叫做Beausejour 其實還算大的 我們的鎮上只有2間餐廳 人家可是有至少6間哦 長長的一條街 星期一check in 星期二早上我就拉著手推車帶著我家冬瓜少爺出去散步囉 天氣真是捧場的好 我們母子倆走來又走去 用力給他逛大街 我想一想大概 把一條街走完 大約花了將近一小時吧 從飯店(east end of town)到商店(west end of town) 我家少爺可是才逛了一家店 帶他去對面逛另一家時 才走進去沒幾分鐘 他就給我睡覺了 冬瓜的手推車是三輪的 輪子又大的不行 其實應該是很舒服 才會給它睡那麼熟 說天氣好 其實在外面走個10分鐘 臉也會是冰的啦 可是他少爺睡的才舒適勒 看他睡了想想我的下午休息時間就這麼浪費掉了 通常他睡覺我都可以做做自己想做的事 這次有帶幾本書去看 有本還蠻好看的 想說等他睡了就可以看 結果他就在我還在走路時就給我睡起來了 好吧 既然如此 做媽的我就認命的去subway給它吃了個sub 來加拿大第一次去subway 其實是因為太小氣了 不想上館子給小費 結果我一個人還是吃掉了將近12元加幣 別問我 我也不知道為什麼



Farewell, Formosa!

The weather has been pretty chilly lately. I guess there's no hope for the weather to get any warmer until next spring. Well, that will be a long wait.
Going to the immigration office tomorrow to get stamped on my passport. I guess that means I will be a permanent resident here. This has never occured to me that I would become a resident in another country other than my own. Not that I dont like Canada but I wonder if it would ever be HOME for me or not. I love Taiwan and we really have great food and guess since I got married and moved here I had to say goodbye to all that. Taiwan is indeed a good place though, just think about all the food we have.
Well, there are things I like about this place other than the inconveniences. I do like the big sky where you can look up and see lots of clouds, space and stars at night. We have no neighbor so we can be as noisy as we want. There's natural that Max just loves so much. Well, for my husband and son, I dont have much choices but to live the best out of it.
Max was on the couch playing with Andrew tonight. They were reading books and Max saw the picture of a pengiun in his book. He reached over to the end table beside the couch and tried to grab his own pengiun. Instead of putting his weight on the arm of the couch, he went to the open space and down he went. He flipped and got a deep cut on his little chin chin. Poor little man... but he is a trooper. Didnt take him long to forget about the cut and went on and played within a short time. What a brave little guy and what a careless dad he has. Yah, I gave Andrew shit already. Hope he will feel better tomorrow.