
Friendly Manitoba

Hey everyone:

I know it has been a while since the last time I posted something.
Well, I think life started to settle down bit by bit after almost four months moving to this place. Well, what more can I say. I better not go to the negative side and I should really put an effort to try to fit into this place.

Well, so how's everyone doing? I hope there's still people checking out this blog. Well, I will try to post as often as I could. I will find time or hopefully I'll win some money to buy a new computer so I can do email more.

Take care guys!

1 comment:

幸福香油蛋 said...

黑 你好嗎?? 我很好;p
我發現Mr. Shultz寫推薦信慢慢的ㄋㄟ