going dancing this Saturday night and am really looking forward to it. Havent been doing that for a long time and after I move I think i'll have to wait for another year or so.
got two cds today and i am not impressed with either of them. One is from CRAIG DAVID and another one is THE BLACK EYE PEAS. I know, maybe I am getting spit on for buying those cds. I promise I wont make any similar mistake again.
Got a whole weekend ahead of me that I dont really know what to do with. I think I will spend at least two days packing and hopefully I can really get it done. Wish me luck, fellows!
果真是個big boy...
真好 有了孩子之後還是要找時間玩玩玩!!
我跟我爸媽都一起去給人整脊啦 因為我們家小胖真的太肥啦 我的天啊 我去加拿大時要訓練小胖用滾的啦
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